Welcome to the webpage of Harry Zhang.

Dr. Zhang is an Associate Professor in the CSE Department at University of Louisville. His research areas are in visualization and analysis in general; more specifically mathematical and scientific data visualization, visual analysis with applications across domain sciences, data intensive analysis with a focus on the development of scalable techniques that are efficient for advanced computing infrastructures, and big data visual analytics techniques that combine scalable machine computation with interactive visualizations.  He is also interested in the design and implementation of parallelized web-based applications.  Dr. Zhang's research was funded by NIH (2010-2012), ORAU Junior Faculty award (2016), NSF CAREER (2017 - present), NSF DUE (2017 - present), and more recently by the Healthcare Cybersecurity Pathways program (2020) from National Security Agency. 

Contact Information

h0zhan22 AT louisville DOT edu

Postal Address:
Harry Zhang
Duthie Center 208
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292

DC 208
